Our Story

Our Story

Solar Tyme USA, LLC is a female minority owned Columbus, GA based solar installation firm. Inflation facts are causing utility rates to increase in some areas by 49%. We provide value by assisting our client's ability to hedge against these inflationary facts via solar energy, energy efficiency upgrades, and energy audits. We assist homeowners, collective communities, and businesses by solving energy-burdensome challenges. Solar energy is now mainstream. We feel that the most important area of our job is to educate the community and our customers about the history of solar energy, the green energy movement, the benefits of solar energy, the 30% tax credit, energy efficiency, and energy audits. Knowledge is power and empowering our customer base through education assists them to make one of the most important decisions of their lives. Solar power and energy efficiency improvements empower homeowners, business owners, and famers through owning their own energy source and increasing their energy independence, especially when utility electricity may not be available.

Why Us?

Solar Tyme USA, LLC is a locally based installation firm. Offering a trend-setting innovative approach to energy audits and energy-efficient upgrade offerings. We have a proven track record of performance and a 10-Year Workmanship Warranty. We have the most competitive rates in the solar installation energy. But most importantly, our customer's needs come first. This is why Solar Tyme USA, LLC makes yearly maintenance checks on our solar installations.

An Idea is Born Solarize

An Idea is Born Solarize

Portland, OR started the first Solarize Campaign. Since then, there have been over 20 Solarize Campaigns all over the United States. These campaign engage with the local community and offer lower solar installation costs through a collective installation.

Solarize Made Easy

Solarize Made Easy

Standard Solarize Campaigns usually cover a city and/or county, sign up period lasts for months, is difficult to implement, and then can take up to 3-4 months after the beginning of the Solarize Campaign to actually install the solar panels. Solar Tyme USA, LLC's campaign is quite local and based on neighbors helping neighbors save money through collective solar installations.

Sign Up Your Community Today

Sign Up Your Community Today "Solarize Your Neighboorhood"

"Solarize Your Neighborhood" Campaign is implemented quickly and simply. This solar campaign requires only 5 installations to achieve the reduced rates Solar Tyme USA, LLC is offering. Solar installations will be executed within 4 - 6 weeks after the Sign-Up period.

Commit to Solar Today!

Call 943-226-7199 or email info@solartymeusa.com now to learn how this "Solarize Your Neighborhood" Campaign can reduce the solar installation rates and energy cost today.